Bad Seed
Interactive Installation
Interactive Installation
Solo exhibition entitled Bad Seed, part of Ypsilanti Township’s YpsiGlow Art Festival funded by WonderFool Production. Mediums used in thi work include line tape drawings, window art using glow paint,and community communication-based performance art. Patrons were encouraged to share painful memories (their bad seed) by writing them down on a storefront window. The intention of this performance-based work was to create a common plot where bad seeds might flower beautifully with the attention of others.
Bad Seed was inspired by an incident that happened to me one week before the YpsiGlow Art Festival. I discovered one morning a neighbor had graffitied hurtful words on my car windows: phrases like “Lazy,” “Rude,” and “Look at me – I can’t park” were written with neon pink glow marker on all four windows. Rather than suppress my embarrassment an anger I created the Bad Seed exhibition.
The exhibition lasted 3 weeks at a local brewery. Each time I checked the storefront window more people had added their own experiences and sorrow. People began drawing flowers around the painful experiences of others. One particularly moving addition was someone who drew a dotted line around several people’s bad seeds with the comment,“You are not alone.”
Bad Seed was inspired by an incident that happened to me one week before the YpsiGlow Art Festival. I discovered one morning a neighbor had graffitied hurtful words on my car windows: phrases like “Lazy,” “Rude,” and “Look at me – I can’t park” were written with neon pink glow marker on all four windows. Rather than suppress my embarrassment an anger I created the Bad Seed exhibition.
The exhibition lasted 3 weeks at a local brewery. Each time I checked the storefront window more people had added their own experiences and sorrow. People began drawing flowers around the painful experiences of others. One particularly moving addition was someone who drew a dotted line around several people’s bad seeds with the comment,“You are not alone.”